Council of Auxiliaries Holiday Luncheon at Milleridge: Great Way to Start December!

The annual Council of Auxiliaries luncheon was held at the festive Milleridge Inn in Jericho on Friday December 1. A wonderful time was had by the over 150 guests in attendance!
As guests arrived, they took time to stroll though the vendor area and get some early holiday shopping done. The highlight of the day was when the Children’s Learning Center Chorus sang with such joy and enthusiasm! Their happy voices certainly brought a smile to all and touched many hearts. Some of the students in the chorus are participants in the MOVE Program (Mobility Opportunities Via Education) and Executive Director, Karen Geller-Hittleman introduced them to the group as they strolled around the room using their specialized equipment. Usually, these students would be dependent on their wheelchair to get around but here, they were literally walking at a rather fast pace to the cheers of the guests!
President, Mary Lou Zizzo paid special tribute to three members who sadly passed away this year: Karen Kiefel, Jean Kestel, and Natalie Alloy. These women are truly missed and our days are not the same without them.
A delicious lunch was enjoyed by all and then a fun fashion show by Tsontos Furs of Mineola featuring staff members from CP Nassau was enjoyed by all. There was a 50/50 raffle and a beautiful selection of basket raffles that helped raise funds and made the winners very happy. Thank you to John Seery for the gorgeous poinsettias that filled the room and then were raffled off to lucky winners. Thank you to all whose efforts made this event possible and successful!
As part of our ongoing Legislative efforts, Assistant Executive Director Peter Dolan has reached out to Assemblyman Mike Durso throughout the year and visited with him in his local office in Massapequa Park.

Assemblyman Mike Durso Visits CP Nassau
As part of our ongoing Legislative efforts, Assistant Executive Director Peter Dolan has reached out to Assemblyman Mike Durso throughout the year and visited with him in his local office in Massapequa Park.

Candle-Making for a Cause Fundraiser Held on Dec 9 at Halarosis Shop
We are grateful to Joanna V, owner of the Halarosis Candle Shop at the Roosevelt Field mall who put together an event to help raise funds to benefit programs at CP Nassau. “Halarosis” is Greek for “relaxation.” Joanna’s sister Patty is a participant at the CP Nassau...