donate now
You can make a difference right now.
While the Agency does receive government funding and grants, we depend on the caring and generosity of individuals and businesses in the community for financial assistance. We hope you will consider making a donation.
Your Donation is greatly appreciated! If you would like to make a donation by mail, please make your check out to CP Nassau and mail to:
Development Department
Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County
380 Washington Avenue
Roosevelt, NY 11575
We’re excited to share that CP Nassau now accepts cryptocurrency donations.
With this new way to give, you can:
➡Donate Bitcoin, Ethereum, USD Coin, and many other popular cryptocurrencies through our website
➡Get a donation receipt that you can use to file for tax deductions.
➡Have a profound and lasting impact on our those we serve!
If you’re a crypto holder and have been looking for ways to make a difference, we invite you to make a crypto donation through this form.
Even if you’re not into crypto, we encourage you to spread the word about this new giving opportunity to friends and family. And as always, you can donate other ways as well.
We thank you for supporting CP Nassau!
To our most-valued partners – our volunteers,
The Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County (CP Nassau) has made the very difficult decision to stop all volunteer activities during this Covid-19 pandemic.
CP Nassau is choosing to limit the number of non-staff who enter our facility and interact with our staff and participants. Please know that decisions regarding our operations are made carefully with input from the experts available, and with staff and leadership consensus. We know that most of our volunteers are healthy, and that there are many more individuals now at home looking to give their time in a meaningful way, however we feel that it is the right call for your health, and is the right call for the health and safety of our community at-large.
Our staff continues to be amazed by the outpouring of support. Please know that as our volunteers you are part of this family, and although we’re operating under new and strange conditions, we appreciate you and we can’t wait to work side-by-side with you again.
Please monitor our website and social media accounts for changes. This is new territory for us all, but we feel grateful to be in it together.
planned giving

Add more value to your charitable gift.
Planned Giving and Estate Planning are the most cost-effective means of promoting and securing major gifts to the Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau (CP Nassau) to help build its endowment and its future. This form of charitable giving provides a gift in two ways—the charity receives the financial assistance it needs to operate and the donor receives the peace of mind that they are protecting their valuable assets from income and estate taxes.
There are many vehicles that can be beneficial to CP Nassau and to your family. One of the easiest ways is supporting CP Nassau through your will by establishing a bequest. There are four easy ways to accomplish this scenario. The first is a general bequest of a certain percentage of your estate coming to CP Nassau. The second is a residuary bequest that allows CP Nassau to receive the remainder of your estate after all specific bequests have been made. The third is a contingent bequest that provides for the distribution of property in the event one or more of your named beneficiaries does not survive you. The final one is the life income bequest that will provide your loved ones a lifetime income, while it assures an eventual gift to CP Nassau.
Another great way to help CP Nassau is through a gift annuity. This allows the donor to receive a substantially larger return over the life of this gift. Annuity payments can be made to one or two person and present rates are usually 4 to 8% more than bank certificates. The donor also receives an immediate tax benefit and the annuity income may be tax-free. The rates are set by an actuary and require a minimum of $5,000. The interest rate is based on the age of the donor and the donor must be at least 50-years of age.
This is a compilation of requests from the programs at the the Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County, Inc.
We encourage you to choose an item and make a wish come true by providing the funds to purchase it!
Wishlist #1
Power Lift for Pool
Hydraulic Changing Table
20 Quart Food Processor
DynaVax Maestro Communication Device for Student
AAC Device TOBiiC8
Bayville Awning
1 Tango Assistive Communication Device
Math, Social Studies, and Science Textbooks for CLC
OT Ice-Pack Machines, Fluid Therapy, Ultrasound
Electric Combination Tilt Table
Wishlist #2
WelchAllyn Spit Vital Sign Machine with stand and basket
6 Support Stations for Bathrooms (each)
$ 3,000
Permanent Outdoor Communication Boards for Playground
$ 3,000
Hi-low Table
$ 2,500
3 Smart Board for Adult Day Program (each)
$ 2,500
4 Changing Tables (each)
$ 2,000
Nintendo Switch, TV, Games and Accessories
$ 1,800
Ultrasonic Cleaner
$ 1,595
2 Hoyer Lifts for Residential (each)
$ 1,500
Wishlist #3
Assorted Trees & Shrubs for Colonial Drive and Greenvale Res.
$ 1,500
Computer Software and Printer for Community-Based Day Hab
$ 1,500
Word Plus with Destalk Synthesizer
$ 1,500
Exercise Stairs
$ 1,250
Otoscope and Ophthalmoscope (each set)
$ 1,200
2 Wired Visual Response Audiology System (each)
$ 1,200
FM Central System for Sound Amplification
$ 1,200
EZ Stander
$ 1,200
6 Mats for PT Gym (each)
$ 1,100
Automatic Page Turner
$ 1,100
Wishlist #4
Therapeutic Listening Equipment
$ 1,100
Pocket Viewer Magnifier
$ 1,000
Sponsor Athlete for National Competition
$ 1,000
2 Refrigerators for Residential (each)
$ 800
Switch Assessment Kit
$ 750
21” Immersion Blender with Attachments
$ 700
4 I Pads for Communication (each)
$ 600
2 Dishwashers (each)
$ 600
6 Recliners for Residences (each)
$ 600
4 Dual-User Pneumatic Adjustable Workstation (each)
$ 500
Wishlist #5
Sensory Equipment
$ 500
Sensor Mat for Pressure Mapping System
$ 500
2 Bath Commode Chairs (each)
$ 400
1 Finger Pulse Oximeter
$ 250
1 Communication Device Switch
$ 120
Sponsorships are the lifeblood of our community events at the Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County, which in turn make our full spectrum of programs and services possible. To find out more about being a corporate or individual sponsor for an upcoming event, please call Pat Quinn at 516-378-2000 ext.355 or email us. And thank you!
View our sponsorship opportunities below.

Casino Royale

SciFi Minicon

Golf & Tennis Tournament

5K Run

Sugar Plum Ball & Galactic Gala
Council President's Message
At this time of year, I’d be telling you all about the exciting events we are planning for the Spring. These events are held to raise funds for the 1,500 children and adults cared for at CP Nassau.
Our role in the past was to get our name known in the community, engage new
members and raise much needed funds. Unfortunately, at this point, we are only able to focus on raising funds.
Since last March, things have stopped as we know it; no Fashion shows, no Chinese Auctions, NO NOTHING.
Our creative team of Council Ladies were able to organize a safe, “Virtual Luncheon” in the Spring. It received a terrific response and we express a big “Thank You” to ALL who participated.
In the Fall, we tried to come up with something to replace our most popular event, the Milleridge Christmas Luncheon. As you know, the Merrick Auxiliary ran this event for years and recently turned it over to Council to run. Since Covid restraints have limited us to only virtual fundraising, we decided to hold a raffle with cash prizes to top 3 winners. Again, this fundraiser was very well received and we are so grateful. As a result of these two fundraisers we were able to turn over $10,000 to CP Nassau.
Overall, for the entire year of 2020, we were able to give in $40,000, with a little from here and a little from there. Yes, it was a miracle to raise this much money in these very difficult times.
Now for this year, we are planning some virtual raffles and possibly other things. So keep looking at your Auxiliary newsletters or this website for more information.
We need your support now more than ever. Until we can see each other again, be safe and get vaccinated.
What is the Council of Auxiliaries?
Council of Auxiliaries is a dedicated volunteer group of women, men and teens who have a commitment to bettering the lives of those with developmental disabilities through fund raising, membership recruitment and public awareness. Auxiliaries host a variety of fund raising events throughout the year. Volunteers are needed to work on committees. Creative opportunities also exist to develop new and interesting fund raising avenues. We are a diverse group of individuals of varied backgrounds and ages with several community- based auxiliaries who would welcome your participation.
Auxiliaries host a variety of fund raising events throughout the year. Volunteers are needed to work on committees. Creative opportunities also exist to develop new and interesting fund raising avenues. We are a diverse group of individuals of varied backgrounds and ages with several community- based auxiliaries who would welcome your participation.
Please contact Chyvonne Monique, Council of Auxiliaries at 516 378-2000 ext.226 for information on joining Cerebral Palsy Association’s Council of Auxiliaries.
Member Reflections
Senior Reflection – Iris
“Expand your social life by opening your opportunity to enjoy the camaraderie of new friends. I believe keeping active both mentally and physically enables me to live a happier and healthier life while contributing to the needs of others. I have enjoyed a tremendous sense of accomplishment while participating in a meaningful activity.”
Teens for CP Reflection – Ariella
“I am so fortunate to have been involved with this program at such a young age. The opportunity to work one-on-one as a “buddy” with young people who have physical challenges in a host of sport activities such as Buddy Baseball, Buddy Bowling will never grow old for me. I, along with many other teens, look forward to every event. I can’t help but feel good inside because I know how much my buddies enjoy these activities. My involvement shaped who I am and makes me appreciate life more fully.”

Mary Lou Zizzo
President, Council of Auxiliaries