Circus Celebration at the Children’s Learning Center

A grand time was had by all at this vibrant, wacky, joyous celebration! Once again, the season’s extreme temps moved the Circus inside for a cooler and safer environment. CLC students enjoyed playing carnival games, getting clown noses, tattoos, and winning prizes. The amazing “Big Top” show featured CLC’s own Principal, Kevin Loughlin displaying his juggling talents! The crowd cheered him on as he made various attempts to beat his best record! Kevin managed to get to over 25 seconds of keeping the balls in the air to the delight of all. PT Supervisor, Symong Choi did a wonderful job as the Circus Ringleader and kept the fun going with Leo the Lion, our school mascot jumping through hoops and directing the PT department as they rode all sorts of scooters and other mini-modes of transportation while decked out in bright colors, red clown noses and pom poms on their heads. The speech department had a fun beach ball toss and speech therapist Nancy showed off her talents as a funny snake charmer as she danced and played music that brought a smile to all who witnessed this fun little act.
Student volunteers from “Teens for CP” were on hand to help set up and run the games. These teens were a huge help and as always, we are so very grateful for the sharing of their time and talent! Click below to see more photos from this wonderful event!
As part of our ongoing Legislative efforts, Assistant Executive Director Peter Dolan has reached out to Assemblyman Mike Durso throughout the year and visited with him in his local office in Massapequa Park.

Assemblyman Mike Durso Visits CP Nassau
As part of our ongoing Legislative efforts, Assistant Executive Director Peter Dolan has reached out to Assemblyman Mike Durso throughout the year and visited with him in his local office in Massapequa Park.

Candle-Making for a Cause Fundraiser Held on Dec 9 at Halarosis Shop
We are grateful to Joanna V, owner of the Halarosis Candle Shop at the Roosevelt Field mall who put together an event to help raise funds to benefit programs at CP Nassau. “Halarosis” is Greek for “relaxation.” Joanna’s sister Patty is a participant at the CP Nassau...